
Showing posts from October, 2017

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KEY Gam – Godmother or Grandmother Boss-ass –  A boss. The best of the best – a real OG. I was very sceptical about writing about the decay of my mental health from the beginning, and admittedly there are some things I have chosen to leave out and will aim to come back to throughout this month whether that is on this website or in my own personal time. I have decided to write about this because I feel that I am in a place in my life where I am ‘free’. I also know that I can be perceived as joyous and content, but it isn’t always like this. I find my own mental health to be incredibly complex, as there are layers and layers of things that have taken me a while to address and think about. There is so much for me to write down, and if I wrote it all I could probably have enough words to fill about 100 book volumes. For a while, when thinking about my mental health, I used to cringe. I cringed because I felt uncomfortable and ashamed about the personality traits I used to have and