
Showing posts from January, 2017

January Discussions - Self Love

HAPPY 2017 EVERYONE! I hope so far your year has been going great. To any students reading this who have finished their exams well done! To those who haven't keep going you got this. 2016 was filled with highs and lows. Terrible events happened daily in the world and sometimes watching the news was draining. Towards the end of 2016, Trump winning the election and electoral college ruffled many feathers, but as we live in a democracy, he earned his presidency. Despite the craziness right now we must remain hopeful that he becomes a good leader, he certainly has the power to be, and that he becomes more understanding of the people's needs. There may be a time when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time where we fail to   challenge and question. Hopefully, this year will be better for you in all aspects! :) A phrase that is frequently thrown around is self-love. Now the dictionary defines self-love as 'regard for one's own well-being an