
Showing posts from July, 2017

One Love Manchester - One Month On

A month has passed since Ariana Grande's charity benefit concert One Love Manchester took place, in response to the IS bomb attack during her Manchester segment of the Dangerous Woman tour, which resulted in 22 deaths and several hospitalisations.  I know that my opinion and feelings certainly can't vouch for everyone's but personally, while I was watching the concert I do not think that there was a moment where I was dry-eyed. Even within the interview breaks and commentaries and the camera panning across Old Trafford, I felt an overwhelming feeling of the nation's unity and strength. When the camera showed a policeman holding hands and dancing with a group of children, I couldn't help but feel proud and joyful as I saw the people of the nation coming together and standing with each other during a global tough time.  Ariana has my unconditional admiration and respect as I view the concert as a benchmark which truly represented a 'fight for what is righ

Labiaplasty - Beauty Pressures Amongst The Youth

When reports come to light that girls under 10 years old are seeking genital surgery because they are disgusted by their genital’s 'wrong shape and size', I think it's safe to say it can be confirmed that 2017's pressures of perfection have reached its pinnacle. With social media's easy accessibility and the ability to view porn at the touch of a button, it is no surprise that insecurities are starting to manifest in the minds of young children. Daily, young people are bombarded with expectations to look a certain way, but have these expectations of perfection reached a new level? Breast augmentation surgery has been around for years, nose jobs? Standard and lip surgery to get the perfect Kardashian pout has been the rage for a while now but genital surgery? This is something when I first read that completely took me by surprise and surely surgery at such a young age can be seen as comparable to genital mutilation which is illegal in the UK but prevails to be r