I’m back (resurrection)


It’s me and I’m back from an unplanned hiatus. Partly because life gets in the way and also because of the fact I’m not sure if blogging is dying, but even if it is, I’ve decided I’ll still try to write as often as I can as it genuinely brings me happiness.

So where I’m at in life is working in a full time job as a Journalist. I feel so weird calling myself that but I guess that’s what I am. I mainly started this blog to cope through uni as my gosh was it hard. The Lord was really testing me lol. Now I’ve finished I feel generally on the whole less stressed. But when it comes to deadlines and working under pressure, I obviously get it done but the stress I experience before my work deadlines, I would never wish on anyone. I am only human, and like other humans I’m sure they also get really stressed at times, so really I should be less hard on myself. It’s easier said than done though.

Full time work is... interesting. I can’t believe my parents did this and managed to feed, clothe me and put a roof over my head. I guess it’s because they didn’t spend all their money in H & M or Tesco lol.

It’s also hard to actually try and get along with everyone and to just not let little things get to you in the work place. Doing this is really out of character for me because sometimes I’m a real miserable cow and also I’m quick to react and get stressed out by a lot of things, but I just have to suck it up lol.

I think one of the worst parts of working in the media is how competitive it is and how much you have to sell yourself! It’s not in my nature to be competitive (unless it comes to sport, then absolutely I have to win) and also I don’t really know how to sell myself and I worry about whether it comes across as cocky. But I think I’ll just have to suck it up and start to share my work or sell myself a bit more as it does appear to work in my favour.

Sometimes, I can’t help but feel like I haven’t achieved much in comparison to others. When I was younger, I genuinely thought by my age (23) I’d have written a novel or something like that (LOL - so over ambitious, who did I think I’d grow  up to be lmao) but I am nowhere near completing anything of the sort!

Some of my peers around me have won BAFTA’s, or have fronted documentaries and are well on the way to doing great things, but I have to remind myself so am I, but I’m doing things at my own pace.

My journey is mine and mine only and I need to stay in my own lane rather than look at someone else’s.

I’m trying to pitch more stories that affect young people, mental health, and ethnic minorities because I’m affected by or can relate to all 3.

I’m also trying not to over think everything because I literally drive myself nuts sometimes and it’s legit the worst and also makes me over apologetic when I really don’t need to be.

Hopefully, next time I’ll be back with an actual topic to dissect or have something a little more structured down on this page. For now we’ll have to deal with this mess of a post. But this is where I’m at in life now and I think next time I’ll write about ‘adulting’ or my recent trip to New York, because why not?


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